Introduction To SQL Server Part I

Introduction To SQL Server

What is SQL Server ?

SQL Server :
  • SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed and marketed by Microsoft. 

  • As a database server, the primary function of the SQL Server is to store and retrieve data used by other applications.

  • Microsoft provides two specialized free editions to work on MS SQL server :

1) Developer :
  • It has all feature which MS SQL server offers but we cannot use it in productions.

  • Developer is the same as Enterprise, but for non-production use.

  • It is used to learn, build and test.

2) Express :
  • This is also a free version but with the limited set of features with no business intelligence applications.

  • It has 10 GB size limit, only used for small applications.

Install SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition on Windows Server 2019 :
  • Microsoft produces SQL Server Developer edition is a full-featured free edition, licensed for use as a development and test database in a non-production environment.

  • Microsoft SQL Server download SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition.

Step 1 : Run Installed Application 

Step 2 : Select Custom Installation

  • Specify a directory where SQL Server will store files downloaded for installation.

Step 3 : Choose Installation

Step 4 : Choose New SQL Server standalone

Step 5 : Specify Edition

Step 6 : Accept License Terms

Step 7 : Microsoft Update

Step 8 : Install Rules

Step 9 : Feature Selection

Step 10 : Instance Configuration

Step 11 : Server Configuration

Step 12 : Configure Database Engine Parameters

Step 13 : Analysis Services Configuration

Step 14 : Accept Installation of Services

Step 15 : Ready to Install

Step 16 : Finish up


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