SQL Backup, Restore & Script Part V

SQL Backup, Restore & Script

SQL  Backup :

  • A copy of SQL server data that can be used to restore and recover the data after a failure.
  • A backup of SQL Server data is created at the level of a database or one or more of its files or filegroups.
  • Backup of a database can also be used to restore a copy the database to a new location.
There are Three main Types of Backup :

1) Full Backup :

  • Full Backup stores a full copy of a specific database at the point in time that the backup completed.
  • It contains all the data in a specific database or set of filegroups. 

2) Differential Backup :

  • Full Backup stores a full copy of a specific database at the point in time that the backup completed.

3) Log Backup :

  • It is the Backup of transaction logs that have all log records that are not backed up in previous log backup.

Steps for Back up Database :

1) Connect to database and expand databases folder Right-click the databases and select Tasks and then select Back Up :

2) Select Full as the Backup type then click on Add to add a backup file :

3) Select backup file and assign to the file name with .bak extension & click ok :

4) Click ok again to create the backup :

5) Backup of Database completed successfully :

6) Open the destination folder and check the backup is created successfully  : 

SQL  Restore :

  • The Restore is a process of restoring or recovering data from backup.

Steps for Restore Database :

1) Connect to database and Right-Click on database then select restore database : 

2) Click on device and click on Add to a add backup file :

3) Select backup file & click ok :

4) Click ok  to create the restore file :

5) Assign name for restore database & click ok :

6) Database is restored successfully :

7) Refresh database to see restored database :

SQL  Scripts :

  • We can create or generate scripts for transferring database between instances.
  • SQL Script is a set of SQL commands which are stored as a file in SQL scripts.

Steps for Generating Scripts :

1) Connect to database and Right-Click on the databases and select Tasks and then select Generate Scripts :

2) Select specific database object or click on tables :

3) After clicking next then Click on Advanced : 

4) Choose type of data to scripting object type for schema and data then click ok :

5) Save to new query window then click on next :

6) Scripts are save to click on finish :

7) Click on script file to the set of commands :

8) Open the destination folder and check the script is generated successfully :


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