Understanding Bootstrapping Angular Cycle Day 15

Lecture 15 : Understanding Bootstrapping Angular Cycle Bootstrapping In Angular : Bootstrapping is a technique of initializing or loading our Angular application. Bootstrapping in Angular, let us find out how Angular works internally and bootstraps our app. Bootstrapping In Angular Cycle : @Component : In part, this is because there’s no official or that much unofficial discussion around the idea of @Component, its functionality, when and where it’s appropriate to use them. In this article, I will be covering everything you need to know about Angular’s @Component, including all the bits that beginner tutorials often exclude. Finally, we arrive at AppComponent, which is the root component of the AppModule. The code of our AppComponent is shown below : The Class AppComponent is decorated with @Component Class Decorator. The @Component class decorator provides the metadata about the class to the Angular. It has 3 properties in the above code : Selector : This pro...